Restore Your Balance
Find the strength and confidence you need to nourish your body and empower your life.
If thoughts about food, exercise and body image are interfering with your life, we can help you find freedom.

Rediscover a relationship with food that is free from guilt and shame and instead offers enjoyment and satisfaction.

Recognize the role of exercise in your life and learn how to reach your fitness goals without compromising your health and well-being.

body image
Reconnect with your body in a way that allows for self-care and body trust. Know that your body is worthy of compassion and kindness.
Whether you’ve been struggling with disordered eating ...
Feel surrounded by never-ending diet culture messages ...
Or are confused about how to approach nutrition …
You’re not alone.
Your body intuitively knows what it needs, but somewhere along the way, trust has been lost. External messages and learned behaviors have created a disconnect between the brain and body resulting in conflict, self-doubt and uncertainty when it comes to food choices.
At Nutrition Fit for You, our team of experts offers a non-diet, weight-inclusive approach in a judgement free environment. Our goal is to help you repair your relationship with food and exercise and embrace your body so you can live a fulfilled life.

Eating Disorders
Recovery is possible
Anorexia Nervosa
Atypical Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED)
Chronic Dieting
Find food freedom
Restrictive Dieting
Emotional Eating
Food Preoccupation
Controlling Food Behaviors or Feeling Out of Control
Disordered Eating
Fad Dieting

Sports Nutrition
Fuel your potential
Exercise Imbalance
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
Injury Prevention
Return to Competition
Performance Optimization
Weight Concerns
Recovery Nutrition
What is your hunger
telling to you?
Did you know there are seven different types of hunger?
Society often tells us just to “eat when we’re hungry and stop when we’re full.” That might work for the gas tank in a car... But with humans, it’s not that simple. Each kind of hunger has a cause—as well as a different way of dealing with it.
Download your copy of The 7 Hungers now to discover each type and learn how each influences your food choices.
Our approach

Food flexibility
Food holds no moral power—there’s no such thing as “good” or “bad” eating. With an all-foods-fit approach, you can achieve a more enjoyable way of nourishing yourself.
Body neutrality
Conventional beliefs that weight determines health are outdated. We embrace the HAES® approach and understand the harm weight stigma can inflict. We promote size-acceptance and embrace body diversity. Your body does not define you!

Functional movement
Exercise can be associated with weight control creating a punitive relationship, often at the expense of self-care. Movement focusing on coordination, strength, balance and flexibility, whether for sport or day-to-day activities, prioritizes your wellbeing.
Intuitive Eating
Let go of diet culture rules and restrictions that result in deprivation. Reconnect with internal cues and gain new insight into nourishing your body in a more sustainable way.

Hear what our clients have to say
“I needed somebody to paint a picture of what life could be apart from my eating disorder... Lori did that.”
— client, athlete
Ready to find your balance?